October 07, 2020

Deterministic builds for .NET in .csproj

There is a feature to produce equivalent byte output for the same code https://gist.github.com/aelij/b20271f4bd0ab1298e49068b388b54ae

To setup it in csproj file there should be next section:


August 21, 2020

April 06, 2017

Create and checkout branch in git

git checkout -b new_branch_name

April 05, 2017

Restart machine remotely

shutdown /r /m \\machine.name /d p:4:1 /c "1"

March 13, 2017

How to base your branch on different branch

Nice article describing the process

git checkout feature/mybranch
git rebase --onto new_target_branch current_parent_branch

November 20, 2015

Useful git commands cheat-sheet

git commit --amend -m "New commit message"
git push origin --tags
git push --set-upstream origin name
git branch -u origin/foo - track remote branch
git remote -v - view list of remotes
git remote set-url origin - set remote
git branch -m newname - rename current branch

git push origin master -f - forced push

Rebase branch

git checkout feature/branch
git rebase master
git checkout master
git merge feature/branch // fast-forward here


git branch -D name - delete branch locally
git push origin --delete branchname or git push origin :branchname (:branchname should not exist locally then)git

git tag -d name - delete tag locally
git push origin :refs/tags/name - delete tag remotely

git reset --hard HEAD~1 - one commit back

git remote show origin (shows what is in origin and what is stale)
git remote prune origin (removes all local garbage from repo)
git branch -lvv (view list of branches with remotes and marks if remote gone)
git clean -df (remove all untracked files)
git checkout . (discard all the changes to tracked files)